Available ICD Email Reports

The ICD has more than 25 different types of push email reports that keep you informed of new terrorist developments and the latest information added to the ICD. Users can individually select which reports they would like to receive by making adjustments to their preferences in the ICD or opening a support ticket and requesting the changes. Users also have the ability to just receive the periodic reports (weekly, monthly, etc.), FlashNet alerts only, no reports or the full set of feeds.

Below is a breakout of the available reports.

(all of these reports can be filtered by country, group and topic)
FlashNet - Alert feed of short plain text emails to give notifications about significant attacks, threats & other urgent development.
ICD-Threat Report:  Individual terrorist threat communications and messages in a PDF report.
ICD-Analysis Report: IntelCenter analytical pieces and notes from analysts in a PDF report.
Significant Terrorist Event Reports (STER): Notices for new STER reports in a PDF report.
ICD-Geospatial Notices: Notices for new interactive maps added to ICD in a PDF report.
ICD-Video Notices: Individual notices for new terrorist videos added to ICD in a PDF report.
ICD-Photo Notices: Individual notices for new terrorist photos and graphics added to ICD in a PDF report.
ICD-Publication Notices: Individual notices for new terrorist books, magazines and other publications added to ICD in a PDF report. (Requires ICD Advanced Level)
ICD-Hostage Notices: Individual notices for new hostage records added to ICD in a PDF report.
ICD-Logo Notices: Individual notices for terrorist logos added to ICD in a PDF report.
ICD-Facial Notices: Individual notices for faces of individuals associated with terrorists added to ICD in a PDF report.
ICD-Social Notices: Individual notices for new social and other accounts associated with terrorist activity added to ICD in a PDF report. (Government Only, Requires ICD Advanced Level)

Filter Topics

  • Aviation
  • CBRN
  • Critical Infrastructure
  • Foreign Fighter
  • Kidnapping
  • Maritime
  • World Cup


Currently Held Hostages Report: Monthly PDF report showing all significant hostages currently being held.
Newly Added to ICD: Weekly PDF report on new entries added to ICD.
ICD-Incident Report: Daily PDF report of new incidents added to ICD.
Monthly Video Listing: Monthly PDF report on new terrorist videos added to ICD over previous month.
ICD-Country Threat Index (CTI) Weekly: Weekly PDF report showing current CTI rankings for countries over past 30 days.
ICD-Global Terrorism Stats Weekly: Weekly PDF reports showing various metrics on terrorist activity.
ICD-Group Threat Index (GTI) Weekly: Weekly PDF report showing current GTI rankings for terrorist groups over past 30 days.
ICD-Group Most Deadly Weekly: Weekly PDF report showing how many people terrorist groups have killed in the current year.
ICD-Group: Weekly Developments:  Weekly PDF report pulling together significant new developments for terrorist groups over prior week.
ICD-Threat: Weekly Review: Weekly PDF report pulling together key threat reporting still assessed as being current.
ICD-Video: Weekly Observations: Weekly PDF report on new terrorist videos added to ICD over previous 14 days.
ICD-Photo: Weekly Observations: Weekly PDF report on new terrorist photos and graphics added to ICD over previous 14 days.
ICD-Social: Weekly Observations: Weekly PDF report on new social and other accounts associated with terrorist activity added to ICD over previous 14 days. (Government Only, Requires ICD Advanced Level)

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